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Calendar of Accreditation Process

January 1 – January 31

For the first time, written submission of the evaluation and accreditation request to TAPLAK by the institutions.


February 1 – February 28

Compliance examination according to the TRIP Evaluation Control Form; request additional information and documents when necessary; whether the application programs can be evaluated; Notify the applicant institutions of the accreditation fee and payment conditions determined for the programs to be evaluated.


March 1 – March 31

Institutions send a letter of confirmation to TAPLAK stating that they accept the notification and conditions; sign the contract; signing the undertaking to pay the determined accreditation fee (in case the confirmation letter is not received and/or the undertaking for depositing the accreditation fee is not signed, the application is deemed to have been withdrawn).


April 1 – July 31

Preparation of a Self-Assessment Report (ODR) by institutions in the format and content determined by TAPLAK; transmitting the report to TAPLAK in print and electronic media.


1 August – 31 August

Pre-examination of self-assessment reports' conformity to format and content; informing the institutions of the deficiencies, if any, and correcting the deficiencies by the institutions; determining program evaluation teams; depositing the accreditation fee.

(The applications of the programs that do not make up for the deficiencies within this period are deemed to have been withdrawn. In case of a deficiency and/or the criteria for accreditation are not met, the accreditation evaluation is stopped, and the reason is notified to the relevant Institution. Failure to notify the deficiencies due to the preliminary examination does not mean that an insufficiency assessment will not be made due to the detailed examination to be made by the evaluation team).


September 1 – September 30

Initiating the evaluation processes of the programs whose Self-Assessment Reports are found appropriate in terms of format and the programs that eliminate the deficiencies identified; informing the relevant institutions of the names and contact details of the program evaluation team members; transmitting self-assessment reports to relevant team members in print and/or electronic format; evaluation of self-assessment reports by teams.


October 1 – October 31

Establishing the first contact with the deans of the institutions whose programs will be evaluated by the team leaders and preparing the visit programs to include the visit dates suitable for all parties; Performing 3-day institutional visits.


November 1 – November 30

Sending the electronic copy of the Team Chairs' Short Form to the relevant accreditation board chair; Sending a copy of the Program Evaluator Report to the TAPLAK Organization Steering Committee for archiving and sending a 30-Day response to team leaders. (including correction and improvement suggestions)


1 December – 31 December

The team leader sends a copy of the 30-Day response to the relevant accreditation board chair and the TAPLAK Organization Steering Committee for archiving; team leaders review Program Evaluation Forms by meeting with program evaluators and create a Draft Report in accordance with the template determined by TAPLAK using the data from the institutions' 30-Day response; sending the Draft Report and the Short Form filled in the “End of Visit Proposal” and “+60 Days Proposal” columns to the relevant accreditation board president.


January 1 – January 31

Conducting consistency checks between the reports prepared by the Consistency Control Committee for the institutions that applied in the same period; Reviewing draft reports with completed consistency checks for the format, typographical errors, and style.


February 1 – February 28

Making the final changes/corrections on the draft reports by the relevant accreditation board with the knowledge of the relevant team heads; creating final reports to be communicated to institutions; presenting these reports to the Organization Executive Board; making the accreditation decision after the evaluation of the Organization Executive Board, and preparing the certificates to be given to the institutions for the accredited programs by TAPLAK.


March 1 – March 31

The institution applying for accreditation submits the objection complaints to the Organization's Executive Board; the Board runs the necessary process per the Objection Complaint Directive, finalizes the Objection Complaint, and forwards the result to the relevant accreditation board presidency.

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