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Structure, Composition, and Term of Office of the Consistency and Criteria Committee


The Board of Directors establishes a Consistency and Criteria Committee to evaluate the suggestions for changes in the evaluation criteria communicated by the relevant accreditation boards and other channels and to carry out studies on this subject. This committee consists of a member of the Board of Directors to be determined by the Board of Directors, a member of the relevant Accreditation Board or an accreditation board member to be determined by the relevant Accreditation Board, a representative of TMMOB representing the profession of the relevant accreditation board, and an experienced evaluator to be determined by the relevant accreditation board responsible for it. The committee elects a chairman among its members. The Committee's communication with the TAPLAK Organization Executive Board (OYK) and the team heads is provided by the Committee Chairman. The term of office of the committee members is two (2) years.  


Working Principles of the Consistency and Criteria Committee


Role of the Consistency and Criteria Committee

The Committee focuses on the inconsistencies it sees in the draft evaluation reports regarding TAPLAK Accreditation Criteria. In this context, the TAPLAK gives an opinion to the head of the team that prepared the relevant report for the statements and evaluations that it deems problematic in terms of consistency with the Accreditation Criteria. The opinion conveyed to the team leader also includes the problems related to inter-team and inter-year consistency and, if any, inconsistent situations within the team. 


Reviewing Draft Reports


The TAPLAK Board of Directors sends the list of reports to be checked for consistency in that period and the contact information of the team leaders who prepared these reports to the Organization Executive Board (OYK) for preliminary evaluation. After the preliminary evaluation, OYK reports the documents sent by the Board of Directors to the Chairman of the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee makes a plan regarding which report will be checked by which committee member. During this planning, attention is paid to the balanced distribution of the reports to be controlled among the Committee members. 


The consistency check process of the reports consists of the following steps: 

  1. The Chairman of the Committee distributes the draft reports sent to him by the TAPLAK Organization Executive Board (OYK) in a balanced way among the members in line with the pre-planned planning.

  2. Each report is reviewed separately by two Committee members. Issues that cannot be agreed upon are discussed among all Committee members, and a common opinion is formed.


  1. The Committee member who carried out the relevant control writes his opinion subsequent to the items/statements found to be problematic regarding consistency in the checked reports.

  2. Controlled draft reports, together with the opinions of the Committee members, are forwarded by the Committee Chairman to the relevant team leader, and their opinions are asked.

  3. The Team Chair forwards the Committee's comments on comments made on the draft report and the revised version of the report to the Committee Chair.

  4. The Committee Chair forwards the team chair's comments and the updated draft report to the relevant Committee members.

  5. Committee members review the updated report and the team leader's comments.

    1. Suppose there are still points of disagreement between the team president and the Committee members after the second round of control. In that case, the Committee Chairman forwards the report to the TAPLAK Organization Executive Board (OYK) with the necessary explanations for the final decision on this issue to be taken by the relevant OYK/AYK and notifies the relevant team president.

  6. Suppose the corrections made in the report and/or the explanations given by the team leader are insufficient by the Committee members. In that case, the Committee members state their additional comments on the issues they find problematic in the report. The Committee Chairman then forwards the report to the relevant team leader for review.

  7. Suppose the Committee members find the corrections made in the report and/or the explanations the team president gave sufficiently. In that case, the Committee Chairman informs the team president that there is no problem in terms of consistency in the version of the report at this stage and forwards the updated copy of the report to the TAPLAK Organization Executive Board (OYK) for spell check.

Finalization of Change Proposals


The committee chairman prepares a Consistency Control Chart showing the status of the reports checked for consistency and the changes suggested by the Committee and shares this chart with the Committee members and the TAPLAK Organization Steering Committee (OYK).


The reflection of the changes proposed by the committee in the draft reports can be done in two ways:

  1. If the change relates to a notification made after a 30-day response to the report and the team chair and Committee members have agreed on this change, this notification change is made directly on the relevant report without the need for an OYK/AYK decision.

  2. Suppose the change is related to an inadequacy statement in the Program Evaluation Form that the evaluation team left to the Institution at the end of the Final Meeting or forwarded to the Institution electronically. In that case, it is stated that this change was made with the decision of OYK/AYK, besides the relevant article of the report.


Changes in Procedures and Principles


Proposals for changes in these procedures and principles are put on the agenda and decided upon at the first meeting of the OYK/AYK. The decisions taken are conveyed to the TAPLAK Board of Directors.

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